These are, shall I say, divine? These are always making an appearance at holiday parties and I’m always the first one to sniff them out. But I refuse to allow only Christmas time to enjoy these treats.
First of all, I love peanut butter too much. Add to it the crispy texture from the rice cereal and milk chocolate blanket and you’ve got heaven in every bite. Or, if your me heaven in one big bite.
These take all but a second to put together, a little freezer time and then they all get a milk chocolate bath. Yummy!
PRINT MEIngredients:
2 cups creamy peanut butter
3 cups Rice Krispy cereal
3 cups powdered sugar
1/4 cup butter, melted
Chocolate coating
2-3 pkgs. milk chocolate chips
1 tbsp. shortening
Combine all the ingredients for the balls together in a bowl. Using a small cookie scoop make little balls and put them on a baking sheet. Freeze for about 30 minutes. Meanwhile make your coating.
Chocolate coating Direction:
Place the chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl with the shortening and microwave on high in 2 minute intervals, stirring each time until you get it nice and creamy.
Using a spoon, roll around each peanut butter ball into the chocolate and place on a greased baking sheet to set. Continue with each peanut butter ball until finished. Freeze your baking sheet of delicious chocolate covered peanut butter balls for about 30 more minutes to set.
Once set, keep in the refrigerator in a container. Enjoy every time you open your fridge!

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