These pizza bites are fun, perfect for parties, or anytime. This is made in my mini muffin tins using my favorite pizza dough and sauce. Using mini pepperoni and spicy italian sausage adds a'll love these!Print the whole recipe: printable recipeOld World Style Pizza Sauce: Ingredients:6 . . .
the best pizza sauce
This pizza sauce is amazing. The long simmering creates a vivid, Old World flavor. Here is a PPM tip: prepare up to a week in advance, bottle it and refrigerate until ready to make your pizza. Nothing compares to homemade pizza sauce...printable recipeIngredients:6 ounces tomato paste1 tbsp. olive . . .
my best pizza secrets
Ahhh, pizza. Truly, a family favorite. My husband is who keeps me creating the best crust I can because of his love for the stuff. He just can't get enough. Every Friday is our pizza night. Hot, crispy, and chewy pizzas fresh off the pizza stone...pure heaven!Here are some of my best . . .