This soup is over the top! Completely Vegan and with, good for you, ingredients! This soup is creamy, and you get wonderful bites of sweet potato and cannellini beans and enveloped in a sweet pumpkin broth. And for crunch? Homemade croutons that are oil free, seasoned, crunchy, flavorful and . . .
Skinny Spinach, sun dried tomato and Egg White Wrap
I don't know about you, but I need to get beach ready! I've needed to get beach since 1985.I'm always about 20 pounds to hot. Anyone else? But guess what--there is no better time than now to begin. I have a great group on Facebook and on IG for support to lose weight, feel great and to eat . . .
Cheese Ravioli with Pumpkin Alfredo Sauce
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