I am loving this Freezer Meal Series! I've been swapping out a baking day for a freezer meals day and it's been working wonders! If you're not familiar with my baking day be sure to check it out. The idea of having gooey delicious, apple pie filling whenever I want makes me happy. We picked . . .
Apple Crisp
Who can resist apple crisp? The best part is that it is a snap to make and perfect for fall. This recipe is a winner and I make it quite a bit with a dollop of vanilla bean ice cream or fresh, homemade whipped cream. Yum!Adapted from Betty CrockerPrintable Recipe Ingredients: 8 medium tart cooking . . .
Apple Turnovers/Pop Tarts
We went to the apple orchard the other day; our most fun thing to do in the fall, and picked us a bushel. What fun we had! The kids brought their apple bags, we packed a lunch, brought some friends, and brought home some more memories. I love all the endless cooking and baking possibilities with . . .