These pancakes are from Forks Over Knives and it's absolutely amazing! If you're looking to for a better way to feed your body and love what you're eating...this is it!!! It's even good for a snack! Just a little drizzle of maple or agave syrup and you're golden! . . .
Pumpkin Soup with Sweet Potato and Homemade Croutons
This soup is over the top! Completely Vegan and with, good for you, ingredients! This soup is creamy, and you get wonderful bites of sweet potato and cannellini beans and enveloped in a sweet pumpkin broth. And for crunch? Homemade croutons that are oil free, seasoned, crunchy, flavorful and . . .
Sweet Potato Vegan Waffles
This is the BEST waffle EVER. Not kidding you! I have been plant based for since January 2018 and lost almost 30 lbs. I felt so amazing, had endless energy--eating healthy never felt so good! My weight did slow down and I was very impatient. I decided to switch to keto. I did . . .
Udon Vegan Vegetable Soup
Seriously so good. Make it and enjoy for an easy soup for the weekday or whenever! Vegan and delicious! I have lost 12 lbs. since beginning my plant-based journey and am never turning back. I have not felt better, my skin and hair feel and look healthier, and I've had to buy a whole new wardrobe. . . .
Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies
These cookies are so good and do the trick when your vegan diet needs something sweet, yet, still good for you! These are so full of peanut flavor, rich and pleasantly sweet. You'll enjoy these! . . .